
How to Set Up Autofill With Google for Your Contest Entry Forms

When it comes to loving entering contests, don't be fooled by people who tell you paying for helpful tools is needed. Never pay for anything in this hobby other than products that can win you prizes

There are easy and free ways to boost your contesting hobby and Autofill is one of those. 

Autofill can be a massive time saver for time sensitive contests and forms. Almost all contest forms allow you to use it but the rare one doesn't. It's super easy to set up within your Google account and can really help you not miss out on a prize.

Some contesters pay for RoboForm or use the free very limited version, personally I keep it super simple and use Googles Autofill which never lets me down.

Contests like the Pizza Pops Microwave Drop and the KD Pumpkin Spice offer, were so time limited that snagging a freebie is almost impossible without having Autofill. It shaves precious seconds off filling out forms. You can also add your credit cards to save time while shopping online. 

You can add as many saved names and addresses as you need to use Googles Autofill. This makes it much easier when every adult in your home can enter the contest. Each persons info is already saved and ready for the next chance to win. 

How to use Autofill for contests

How to Setup Google Autofill

  • Open your Google Browser
  • Top right of your page click on the 3 dots
  • Click on Settings
  • Click on Autofill on the left hand side

In the Addresses and more section is where you are going to add your names and addresses. This will include email addresses and phone number too.

Keep in mind that some contests don't allow the use of Autofill. You will know this only when you go to sign up and your form doesn't automatically fill out. Some contests may even add it into their rules and regulations that autofill isn't allowed. But those contests are rare. 

Happy contesting! Make sure to check out the other contest winning tips and FAQS to this wonderful hobby.

Wishing You Good Luck!