
Number 1 Tip About Entering Contests (And it's NOT reading the rules)


When you start entering contests online you come across tons of tips and ideas about entering and winning. But there is really only one tip to know when your interest is sparked about online contests.

You can read all the books about winning, listen to YouTubers who claim to have won hundreds of thousands of prizes or get duped into paying for information about winning prizes, but none of that helps if the #1 rule isn't in the back of your mind. 

If you pay attention to those who are winning prizes all the time you will see they aren't spending money to learn how to win. They aren't attending conferences and going broke to learn the hobby, and yet they are winning prizes every single day. Those are the winners you want to take advice from when it comes to winning prizes online.  Check out the top 14 contesting entering tips from people who are actually winning! Not teachers, not marketers but real winners! This is why my private contest group is so much fun. You get to see everyday people winning prizes every single day! It's a great spot to ask your questions too, where real winners can give you their piece of advice. 

Real winners are implementing this very important #1 rule when it comes to winning prizes.

#1 Rule for Entering Online Contests


It's as simple as that! Entering contests online should be fun, and exciting! Entering contests and having fun while doing it pushes you to enter more and more. The more you enter the better your odds of winning prizes. 

A positive happy mind goes a long way when entering contests online and giveaways on social media. Simply keep the hobby enjoyable! 

Once you are having fun, then you can read into the logistics of entering contests online, which are actually all super easy and just basic common sense. 

When you start worrying about "did I enter at the right time??" "Should I upload a picture to enter even though I don't take great pics?" you are no longer having fun. 

Other Contest Tips 

Now that you have the best tip under your belt, you can learn the other tips straight from winners! Actual winners, not those who claim to win prizes yet never show their wins. 

Good luck in everything you enter! 🍀

Wishing You Good Luck!